Morgan & Zach

June 6, 2025 • Palmyra, NE
85 Days To Go!

Morgan & Zach

June 6, 2025 • Palmyra, NE
85 Days To Go!

Wedding Party

Bride's Side

Lauren Hawkins - Matron of Honor
Sister of the Bride
Kayla Jacox - Matron of Honor
Friend of the Bride
Chelsea Kubitschek - Bridesmaid
Friend of the Bride
Melissa Wickam - Bridesmaid
Friend of the Bride
Kirstine Martins - Bridesmaid
Friend of the Bride
Amber Henderson - Bridesmaid
Friend of the Bride
Lindsey Luly - Bridesmaid
Sister-in-Law of the Groom
Tracy Luly - Bridesmaid
Sister-in-law of the Groom
Bri Zoellner - Personal Attendant
Friend of the Bride
Jordyn States - Personal Attendant
Friend of the Bride

Groom's Side

Bryan Luly - Best Man
Brother of the Groom
Chris Luly - Best Man
Brother of the Groom
Zach Justus - Groomsman
Friend of the Groom
Eric Beckman - Groomsman
Friend of the Groom
Dane Stahr - Groomsman
Friend of the Groom
Tyler Wullenwaber - Groomsman
Friend of the Groom
Trenton Hohbein - Groomsman
Brother of the Bride
Spencer Hawkins - Groomsman
Brother-in-Law of the Bride
Kyle Koeneke - Usher
Cousin of the Groom
Tyler Koeneke - Usher
Cousin of the Groom